
growth chart with dollar background
Choosing between Programmatic Ad Networks, what to look out for

Breaking down the different ad networks and monetization partners available to digital publishers, differences,[…]

photo of a street poster
Opting out of your data being used to train AIs

As the scale of AI has broadened, it turns out they have scooped up[…]

The death of Travel Blogs on Google in 2024

What travel bloggers are faced with right now is an existential threat to their[…]

machine learning code on a screen
Optimizing and preparing for SGE: strategies for site owners

As Google rolls out SGE, let's dive in to some strategy for how publishers[…]

strands of flowing information
SGE is going to answer almost everything – what’s left for publishers?

Google have been beavering away on their own answer-everything-AI-machine. Overall, it doesn't look like[…]

Google on a phone
EU’s Digital Markets Act is changing how Google displays search results

Google got around to making some changes in light of the EU's passing their[…]

Google on laptop
Winners and Losers in the Google March Update

Quick rundown of who came out on top and who lost in the Google[…]

Matrix code running on a laptop
Google’s March ’24 ‘Spamageddon’ Update – What does it mean for publishers?

The Google March 2024 'Spamageddon' update. What does it mean for publishers and the[…]